Watch Me Grow Logo
principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood
  • A window into children's creative thinking
  • Touching Souls - Tewkesbury
  • Door Step Anganwadi Mumbai

WatchMeGrow is all about children’s development, learning and progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Combining Di Chilvers extensive experience, consultancy, training and support WatchMeGrow focuses on children’s learning and development in their most formative years through observing and tuning into children’s early experiences and interests as they talk and play.

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Di Chilvers is an Advisory Consultant in Early Childhood Education. A national expert in early childhood education offering bespoke consultancy, training, projects and evaluations to support the development of high quality provision and exemplary practice, in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) with babies, toddlers and young children (0-7).
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Di Chilvers

Our Services

WatchMeGrow offers a range of services from bespoke training, consultancy, advice and initiatives to support the development of high quality provision and practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Development Map Logo

The Development Map is a mapping tool which shows children’s progress in a quick and informed way keeping the child at the centre, taking a holistic view of their learning and development over time in the EYFS.

the Development Map enables immediate, simple and effective analysis of a child's progress and current level of attainment. Find out more.

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On the Blog

Because your brain works better. Because your ideas, when you say them out loud, they keep coming together, and when all the ideas come together you get a gigantic idea! You can think better in a group

Giudici. C, et al 2001 p.323

Together we recognise what we are doing, what our children need and what we can do next…
Together we recognise what we are doing, what our children need and what we can do next…

Because your brain works better. Because your ideas, when you say them out loud, they keep coming together, and when all the ideas come together you get a gigantic idea! You can think better in a group

Giudici. C, et al 2001 p.323