Have been wandering around Auckland to acclimatise and check out the way of life....its a great place. What strikes me is that its such a long way from England yet it still feels like home....but much more chilled out. Have seen loads of children walking in bare feet, including toddlers, happy to run, walk and paddle...must be a great feeling of freedom...never really see that back home. Am looking forward to seeing the early years settings.....have quite a few visits planned in and around Auckland.
I have linked up with the New Zealand Reggio Emilia organisation - www.reanz.org - and making some visits to their centres as well as getting together to talk about practice in NZ, Reggio and England. Am also sharing some thoughts on the 6th March in a presentation called 'A window into children's creative thinking' - so looking at how children develop their creative and critical thinking through following their own ideas and interests....
Will post some thoughts from my visits on the Blog...hopefully some pictures as well. Its taking me ages to upload things but thats more about my skills than the IT!!