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principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood


March 4, 2014

Aroha mean 'love' in Maori - along with Tumanako which is 'hope' and Matauranga which is 'knowledge'.

Have been at two inspirational centres over the last couple of days - Kids Domain and Tots Corner both in Auckland and both weaving the principles of Reggio Emilia pedagogy into the rhythms and flow of their philosophy...they really have captured the essence of listening to children following and supporting their creative thinking - its a joy to see.

The teachers (everyone is called teacher) have been asking some deep and tricky questions about 'love' and how this is translated through practice to the children. The teachers call this a 'big concept' and it is..they initially think together about how they can communicate and support this with the children - from the babies to the older ones.  They aim to explore this 'big concept' with the children by asking questions like ;

Q. What is Aroha to us here?

The teachers start by thinking about their own thinking...and talking together about how 'love' is communicated by the children and the adults.They document "Our infants are so loved by each other and by our toddlers. They look out for and look after each other with such care and compassion. The toddlers love taking care of the infants, taking them their bottles, giving gentle hugs and always greeting them when they are around"

This happens because the teachers completely trust the younger children, they have given them a great deal of independence and autonomy and they know what they should do and they do it in a caring and reciprocal way.  These children are not completely dependent on the adults to show them or 'tell' them what to do - they respond to others in ways that are friendly, supportive and sometimes challenging..but they work it out. Adults are there observing, listening and interacting as they need to but above all taking the lead from the children.

Its an empowering way of working both for the children, whose ideas, emotions and actions lead the way and the adults who have to think hard about what is happening and how to support and extend what the children are doing.

As a result children's thinking travels to new and knew depths.....

Here's what Charlotte had to say about 'love'  "It's all about my family. I love my family'

What I have noticed is how well the teachers understand the children and how to support them in extremely thoughtful and deep ways - in turn the children's level of thinking and their    well being is truly nurtured.  These children are confident, happy and at  ease with themsleves and their environments - for them anything is possible.  The adults are as well - its the perfect mix!