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principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood

Supporting children’s creative thinking and learning in the Foundation Stage

This exemplification of the Characteristics of Effective Learning was created at the end of an Extended Professional Development Initiative with 4 schools in Sheffield (see the case study below).  We wanted to bring together examples of good practice in each of the aspects of the Characteristics of Effective Learning looking at the following questions;

  • What does this mean for children?
  • What does it look like when you are observing?
  • Next Steps – how would you support the development of the child/children?

We also included a section on Speech, Language and Communication to make the link between thinking and talking.  The exemplification includes Learning Story Observations of children which is where we drew all our findings for good practice….have a look;


If you want to know more about the Extended Professional Development Initiative and the Exemplification drop us an email at