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principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood

Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional well-Being (SSTEW) Scales for 2 – 5 year olds provision

The SSTEW Scale is being used in the Study of Early Educational Development (SEED) research looking at the quality of provision and practice related to Sustained Shared Thinking and the Emotional well-being of children.

The focus is on how the adults – practitioners and teachers - support children’s language for thinking and social and emotional well-being. It brings together the crucial message that children’s early learning is secured through their personal, social and emotional development. Using a self-evaluation scale it covers the following;

  • Building trust, confidence and independence
  • Social and emotional well-being
  • Supporting and extending language and communication
  • Supporting learning and critical thinking
  • Assessing learning and language

Find out more about SSTEW and purchase a copy →