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principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood

Talk for Reading Resource Pack

Talk for Reading (TFR) began as a two year initiative in East Riding growing out of the Every Child a Talker (ECAT) programme; it focussed on the way that children’s talk underpins the development of their reading (and writing). The TFR Self- Evaluation builds on the ECAT model and the four Themes and Principles of the EYFS; it underpins good practice in developing communication, language and literacy and offers a stepped approach to improvement.

There are 7 Case Studies and a CD Rom full of materials, ideas and documentation including the TFR Self-Evaluation and Action Planning. The development of TFR is best undertaken as an Extended Professional Development Initiative with a cluster of settings and schools over a longer period of time as this has a big impact on practice. Have a look at the Case Study below for more details.

TFR can be used in many ways; to support the development of Communication, Language and Literacy in your setting or schools; for the implementation of the EYPP and can be developed into other areas of learning. A cluster of 14 schools in Sheffield are extending the TFR initiative they have followed in year 1 into a second year with a focus on Talk for Maths Mastery (TFMM) using the same principles around supporting children’s language development and talk.

If you want to know more about Talk for Reading and Talk for Maths Mastery drop us an email at