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Talk for Maths Mastery

Talk for Maths Mastery (TFMM)  looks at the transition of mathematical development from 2 yrs* to Y1 and is aimed at all those who work with children across this age range, as well as maths coordinators, Senior leads, Head Teachers and Managers. See below for more information and CPD case studies.

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Talk for Maths Mastery (TFMM)  looks at the transition of mathematical development from 2 yrs* to Y1 and is aimed at all those who work with children across this age range, as well as maths coordinators, Senior leads, Head Teachers and Managers.

Di led an Extended Professional Development Initiative with 14 schools in Sheffield focusing on Talk for Maths Mastery (TFMM).   The cluster worked together as a community of learners for over two years, an inspiring experience as the group developed their thinking and practice together, sharing ideas and co-constructing good early years practice.  The work focused on two important questions,

  • How do we make sure that we maintain the momentum of children’s mathematical development and learning from 2yrs old to 6+ (Y1) – building firm foundations on children’s starting points?


  • How do we make the links across children’s mathematical development making sure that the next steps of learning and teaching support their progress from 2yrs old to Y1?

The group created the Talk for Maths Mastery Exemplification called ‘Recognising children’s mathematical mastery in their child-led play in the EYFS and Year one’.  This looks at the continuum of learning from 2 yrs to 6+ in 6 Areas;

  • Games
  • Creating and thinking critically – Problem-solving
  • Following children’s interests
  • Mathematical mark making
  • Sensory Materials
  • Construction

It also includes:

  • A whole class approach to building on the mathematical thinking in child-led interest
  • Using Floor Books to support mathematical thinking
  • Narrative Learning Stories to look more deeply at child-led play, talking, thinking and learning
  • The Transition of Pedagogy and the continuity of experience and progression for children in practice
  • Connections to Sustained Shared Thinking and the Characteristics of effective learning (particularly Creating and thinking critically)
  • Exploring what we mean by Maths Mastery?

If you want to find out more about how to buy a copy or to arrange a TFMM day, workshop or keynote please get in touch with Di  via the contact page on the watchmegrow website.

*Some of the SSELP cluster schools had 2 year olds in their Foundation Stage which is why we needed to look more closely at the development of mathematical thinking and understanding at this age. This is not to say that mathematical development only begins at 2 years old. We know from developmental psychology that new-born babies can distinguish elements of shape and pattern and have innate ‘numerosity’ as they are drawn to objects, patterns and sequences.

CPD Case Studies:

Di led an Extended Professional Development Initiative with 14 schools in Sheffield focusing on Talk for Maths Mastery (TFMM). It built on a previous initiative – Talk for Reading. The cluster worked together as a community of learners for over two years, an inspiring experience as the group developed their thinking and practice together, sharing ideas and co-constructing good early years practice.

The work focused on two important questions:
– How do we make sure that we maintain the momentum of children’s mathematical development and learning from 2yrs old to 6+ (Y1) – building firm foundations on children’s starting points?
– How do we make the links across children’s mathematical development making sure that the next steps of learning and teaching support their progress from 2yrs old to Y1?

The group created a Talk for Maths Mastery Exemplification called ‘Recognising children’s mathematical mastery in their child-led play in the EYFS and Year one. This looks at the continuum of learning from 2yrs old to 6+ in 6 Areas;
– Games
– Creating and thinking critically – Problem-solving
– Following children’s interests
– Mathematical mark making
– Sensory Materials
– Construction
As well as; A whole class approach to building on the mathematical thinking in child-led interest and Floor Books.

Talk for Maths Mastery  can be delivered as a days cpd or better still as an extended cpd initiative and is based on this work and the exemplification, particularly focusing on;
– The principles of Talk for Maths Mastery including using self-evaluation and action planning
– Using narrative Learning Stories to look more deeply at child-led play, talking, thinking and learning. Sharing case studies from 2yrs old to Y1
– The Transition of Pedagogy and the continuity of experience and progression for children in practice
– Connections to Sustained Shared Thinking and the Characteristics of effective learning (particularly Creating and thinking critically)
– Exploring what we mean by Maths Mastery?
– Case studies from the TFMM Exemplification

TFMM looks at the transition of mathematical development from 2yrs old to Y1 and is aimed at all those who work with children across this age range, as well as maths co-ordinators, Senior leads, Head Teachers and Managers.

Initially Di delivered this as a keynote for an Early Education meeting in Sheffield but since then it has been expanded into a whole day on Talk for Maths Mastery!  The keynote looked at the fundamentals of mathematical development asking the questions;

  • How do children learn about numbers?
  • How does mathematical thinking develop?
  • How do children make sense of all the complex, meaningless symbols and codes which surround then and on which they will be taught and assessed in the first 60+ months of life?

It explores the mathematical journey of the child including language and talk, play, creating and thinking critically and sustained shared thinking and how practitioners and teachers can tune into children’s understanding and develop maths mastery.

What people said?

Thank you for opening my eyes!  It has really helped with our assessment

Several of my practitioners attended the recent Early Years Conference on Friday and were impressed by the seminar you led. Thank- you

You do really inspire people to change hearts and minds! Our FS1 has an air of buzz and excitement. I now need to put that place for FS2.

I attended the EYFS conference yesterday. It was good to hear someone speak with passion and very inspiring for my whole team! Having recently been an AHT for EYFS & KS1 you have inspired my vision, thank you

This one day course will develop your professional skills in observing children, understanding their development and identifying their next steps (EYFS 2.1). Keeping the focus on the child and making respectful, professionally informed judgments about children’s learning and development.

We look in depth at the process of observation (describing), assessment (deciding) and planning (what next?) using the EYFS statutory framework, Development Matters and the EYFSP; and consider meaningful ways to observe children’s development and thinking, make links to the Characteristics of Learning and the Areas of Learning.

The day focuses on;

  • Why observation is at the heart of good assessment practice – responsible pedagogy
  • Making links to the EYFS Themes and Principles, the Statutory Duties (2.1, 2.2 ), EYFSP and Ofsted requirements and guidance
  • Sharing examples  of Learning Stories and narrative observations to look more deeply at children’s development, thinking and learning
  • Using your Observation and Assessment Tool Kits (and explain what this is?)
  • How to use our observations to map children’s progress across the Foundation Stage
  • How you can make professionally informed judgments about children’s progress
  • Looking at the Development Map to support good practice in the observation, assessment and mapping process; keeping the child at the centre and taking a holistic view of their development
  • Sharing our thinking and reflecting on our pedagogy and practice

Who should come?

All Practitioners, leaders and managers in the Private Sector, Nursery School teams, Children’s Centre practitioners, Foundations Stage Co-ordinators, FS Teachers, Y1 Teachers, Support staff/practitioners and Assessment Leads in Schools/Academies and Childminders

What people have said about the day:

Fantastic course – could it be done over more days? I want to find out more and research

I enjoyed the day and have lots to take away to expand my practice and share with my team

Di Chilvers an absolute delight – fantastic delivery

Child-led play is a statutory duty in the EYFS Framework (1.8) and leads to deeper levels of thinking, learning and involvement.  It is the key way in which children engage in Sustained Shared Thinking. This days cpd is an opportunity to look more closely into these crucial aspects of children’s early learning and inform how adults can support and teach more effectively.

The day focuses on;

  • How we recognise that children are leading their learning through their child-led/child-initiated play and activities?
  • Understanding how child-led play and activities contribute to children’s thinking, learning and development?
  • Observing, supporting and extending child – led play and activities through skilful, sensitive and informed teaching?
  • Explore the balance between child-initiated thinking and learning and adult-led teaching (1.8)
  • Make the connection between following children’s interests and sustained shared thinking
  • How using PLODs (Possible Lines of Development)  supports the balance and planning next steps
  • Reflecting on your practice and discussing  your thinking with others

Who should come?

All Practitioners, leaders and managers in the Private Sector, Nursery School teams, Children’s Centre practitioners, Foundations Stage Co-ordinators, FS Teachers, Y1 Teachers, Support staff/practitioners and Assessment Leads in Schools/Academies and Childminders

What people have said about the day:

I found it all really interesting and useful and the tutor extremely knowledgeable

Excellent delivery of course content e.g. How important it is to support children’s interests And  How Sustained Shared Thinking is at the heart of children’s development

A cluster of 4 schools wanted to focus on the Characteristic of Effective Learning and how they could support children’s thinking and learning. They focussed on the following questions:

  • How do we understand young children’s learning and development and use this to form the core of high quality provision and practice?
  • How do we interpret this into an enabling environment which supports the quality of learning and development for all children?
  • How do we observe the context of children’s learning and development and use this to monitor their progress in the Foundation Stage?

Di worked with the group as a ‘community of learners’ undertaking practitioner based research and produced an exemplification of the Characteristics of Learning through child- initiated play and activities.

The exemplification includes the wonderful Learning Stories that were observed as the children followed their interests and ideas.

What people said;

“The initiative has given me a deeper understanding of children as thinkers and learners”

“It provided a fantastic opportunity and the time to develop a shared understanding with other schools. Without the initiative this would have been very hard to do”

“The initiative really got me thinking. It inspired me. I found it especially valuable to work together with others”

“Excellent initiative designed by a supremely knowledgeable, experienced consultant, who values ‘whole child’”