Watch Me Grow Logo
principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood

Additional Support & CPD

This is bespoke work as everyone’s needs and circumstances are different.

Please email Di at or call 07939 594801 for more information, to discuss what you need and costs involved

Self-Evaluation Feedback and Support

The Observation Tool Kit includes two self-evaluations;

  • The Observation Tool Kit (Individual self-evaluation)
  • The Observation Continuum – Self-Evaluation (Whole Team)

If you would like Di to review your self-evaluations and proposed action plans, she can

  • give you individual, bespoke feedback to look at the key themes and messages about practice
  • advise on current practice and make informed suggestions for development
  • focus your next steps (action planning) and give support through making suggestions, recommendations etc e.g. places to visit, things to read, research, training and cpd
  • act as a critical friend using a co-constructive approach to build on your starting points and to identify and implement changes to practice

Bespoke CPD

Working on the Observation Tool Kit or other professional development tools e.g. Sustained Shared Thinking, Talk for Maths Mastery, Talk for Reading can be quite a big undertaking as you dig deep into pedagogical practice with your team.   This type of self-evaluation is great at bringing teams together, analysing practice and thinking and developing leadership skills along the way. However, they do need some dedicated time, preferably over a longer period e.g. 6 – 12 months to ensure that actions become embedded and sustainable.

It really helps to have an external partner who can help you with this process; take an objective view and act as a mentor/critical friend.

Have a look at the watchmegrow website to find out more about;

Or contact Di via or 07939  594801  to discuss how she can support you with the Observation Tool Kit or any of the other self – evaluations including Talk for Maths Mastery and Sustained Shared Thinking