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principles, pedagogy and practice in early childhood

WatchMeGrow a new website!!

February 9, 2016

Its taken some time but the new website is live and after 4 years of principles, pedagogy and practice (bit of a mouthful) I have now morphed into WatchMeGrow.   It's hard finding a new name that captures what I do but having started my work with children a long time ago by training as a Nursery Nurse (NNEB), where observation was (and still is for me) the starting point of everything,  it seemed sensible to call the new website WatchMeGrow.

It's a real privilege to watch children as they play, explore, think , talk, discover and grow. It's also a real challenge as we try to understand what they are doing and why and then help them.  Watching learning unfold in a truly creative and unique way where every child is different and you are never quite sure what will happen's the unexpected that makes working with young children so inspiring.

Have a look at the following story unfolding.... what do you think is happening as Jalilah plays with the bread crates?